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Who are we, what do we do, what about the future?

Welcome to our blog where you can keep up to date on what's happening in Greyfield Wood and our community in a Covid safe way. You will find much more information via the links  in the drop down list (top right) where you can find a link to a membership form and news updates about the new management organisation along with short video blog of what's been happening in managing our lovely woodland. You can subscribe to this blog to get updates and you can contact us by   email We hope you find our blog interesting and you become a member of Greyfield Wood Community Interest Company. Greyfield Wood CIC directors, Mike, Ian, Vicki, Steve, Neil & John.
Recent posts

News: The Jubilee Bridge

To mark Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum  Jubilee our Volunteers have been asked to build a bridge across a stream in Lower Withy Copse. When?      Friday 3rd June, all day. Where?  300 metres down the footpath past the Substation. (Signposted on the day). What?      An opportunity for a family day out- don't forget your  picnic. Find out more?   Please revisit this blog, we will update it as we have more information.  The Directors  are currently designing the bridge and planning for this  commemorative project.   The wooden bridge will be built from our home grown sweet chestnut.  It will be used as a footbridge and lightweight tractor crossing  of the stream above.  We will be setting aside an area for visitors to enjoy the day and see the construction of the bridge and hope to provide a refreshment tent.   Beenham Village Events are  promoting this as part of the Jubi...

Videoblog- Storm Eunice

Dealing with winter storm damage in Greyfield Wood.  (Double click on video to view it full screen.)

News: A New Home

Storm Eunice brought down many trees, some of which fell on houses causing much damage. One Greyfield resident had built his new home in the trunk of a tree. Unfortunately the storm blew the tree over. The wild cherry tree was found leaning over a well used path in the wood. It was necessary to fell it completely in order to make it safe. The section of tree trunk with the woodpecker’s hole has been preserved, it can be seen at the main entrance corner to the wood, just across from the electricity sub station. No doubt the woodpecker is busy again, making another home for this years brood of chicks. You may well be able to hear him at work  when you walk in the wood.

Videoblog: Beenham's Christmas Tree

Greyfield Wood gift of a Norway spruce for Christmas. View the video below to see how we provided this years Christmas tree to Beenham.  (Double click on video to view it full screen.)

Videoblog: Scything

Brambles and ferns will quickly colonise once mature trees have been felled and the area lacking any canopy cover.   We use Scythes to manage these areas particularly to give saplings the best chance of becoming established. 

News: July '21

We are delighted to tell you that Greyfield Wood Community Interest Company, (CIC), has taken over the lease of Greyfield Wood from Beenham Investment Group Ltd, (BIG), who has managed the wood since 1995. The transfer took place on Monday 12th July 2021.  We are very grateful for the many donations from Beenham Parishioners and local businesses, as well as the support from Greenham Common Trust. It is those contributions which have enabled us in the CIC to acquire the lease from BIG. Beenham Investment Group Ltd has handed over the 37 acres of woodland in an excellent condition. This comes from the sterling efforts of its directors, ably assisted by volunteers and outside volunteer groups. The good forestry work will continue, particularly the replacement of the mature conifer plantations with broad leaf species. Three of the BIG directors have become founder directors of the CIC. This provides continuity and retention of knowledge. The other BIG directors have become life me...

Our Identity Brand Mark

We have been very fortunate that talented designer David Moore was able to create our  brand identity. He is a regular visitor to Greyfield Wood and we think he has produced a fantastic depiction of what we are aiming to achieve.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Below is Dave's final concept statement for the br...